Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sound Bytes from SMB

Had a great SMB Conference Call with Erick Simpson a few days ago. Anything with Erick is always great.

The call is posted on the SMB Conference Call Page. Scroll down to the section labeled Info from Previous SMB Conference Calls.

The topic is "Super Duper Help Desk." As you may have guessed, that's my title and not Erick's.

Anyway . . .

Before we got into the meat of that broadcast, Erick and I stumbled onto two side conversations that may also be of interest, so I edited them out and posted them separately on the Free Audio section of SMB Books. Notice, on the left side of the page is a new area called "Free Audio Content."

The first extraction is a discussion of some of the specifics of the upcoming MSP Revolution Conference (see September 4-6 in Chicago.

The 4-minute sound byte is here:


I posted the MSP Revolution Discount Code in my SMB Email, but forgot to post it here.

Special MSP Revolution Discount Code

Don't forget to take advantage of our discount code for MSP Revolution:

Go to and enter the code GLB

You'll receive a $100 discount. That brings the price down from $399 to $299!

What's it all about? Listen to the SMB Conference Call with Amy on the SMB Conference Call Page.

Stay tuned for more free sound bytes.


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