Lessons Learned
- What's the biggest mistake you've made?
- What's the toughest decision?
- What's the most important lesson you learned ...?
So I've decided to create a blog series and answer these questions from the perspective of lessons I've learned over the years. It starts with my last "real" job and goes through the sale of my last managed IT service business.
I hope all business owners, especially those new to IT consulting, will learn from my mistakes (and maybe from my wins). And, as always, I would love to have your feedback in the comments.
If you have specific questions that you think would fit in the series, please send them. I'll try to fit them in the series where they make the most sense.
This Page was created as an evolving index of the series, so you can find articles quickly.
Episode 1: My Backstory - The Very Short Version
Episode 2: What I Learned on My Last Real Job - the Technical Stuff
Episode 3: Management Lessons I Learned on My Last Real Job - and the Worst Boss Ever
Episode 4: The HP Way
Episode 5: EDI and the Best Boss Ever
Episode 6: Easing into Break-Fix
Episode 7: Common Sense Calculations - That are 100% Wrong
Coming on Friday:
Episode 8: The Absolute Truths about Backups!
You can also find all the posts in the series by searching for "Lessons Learned." Here's the link for that: https://blog.smallbizthoughts.com/search/label/Lessons%20Learned
Be sure to subscribe to this blog. Over on the right-side column, you'll see the Subscribe by Email link. Just remember to white list the first email you get. And if you filter, put them all into one folder so that you can find new installments.