An important part of that email is the SMB Calendar.
We have just added almost 20 events to that calendar -- between now and the end of this year.
So you have time to sign up now. The email will go out Monday morning. That's one minute after midnight on the East Coast of the U.S.
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Why don't I just list it all here or on a web site?
To be honest, I think calendars are more useful in email. Blogs just naturally age quickly. So they're great for "real time" announcements. For example:
- Go now. Register for Erick Simpson and and Karl Palachuk's Absolute Best Practices Seminar on October 3rd.
But a more comprehensive calendar would become outdated quickly. And who wants to spend the rest of their life updating old blog posts? (Not me.)
The SMB Books web site brags about providing "Resources for SMB Consultants." Why not there?
Or the Great Little Book web site, home of the SMB Conference Call. Why not there?
The truth is, I would feel obligated to keep a calendar up to date if I posted it on a web site.
With email, I can do my best on a once-a-week basis. When someone gives me an additional event, I can add it. If there's a correction, I dutifully make it in the next email. If a link changes, I fix it.
It's useful and manageable.
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I've had people tell me "I want to see the calendar, but I don't want your email. Where else can I find this?"
Here's the deal: There's no such thing as a free lunch.
My SMB Email is totally event-focused. If you want to scour the internet and collect all this information in one place, please do so.
If you want me to try to do it, you'll find it in the email.
Reading (or ignoring) advertisements about seminars is part of the price of admission.
If you have any complaints about this policy, please click here.
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Subscribe to my SMB Email Now
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