National Society of IT Service Providers - News and Updates
Note: We just sent out an email. If you’re not on the list or didn’t get it, you can see it here:
(Note on the email list: We got several non-deliverable notices. I noticed that most were from Barracuda spam filters. Be sure to whitelist this list. We are working to get an account at Constant Contact. Stay tuned.)
From last week's email:
Thank you all once again for getting involved, volunteering, and attending meetings as we work to create this new membership association. We have lots of news regarding the organization, the Board, Committees, volunteering, and more. Please scan though this email. There are several calls to action.
Here’s what has happened since the last meeting:
– About fifty people have volunteered to serve at some level in the NSITSP.
– We have officially created a nonprofit 501(c)(6) corporation.
– The initial Board of Directors now has three members. This is not the final Board or final number of seats. We needed something to get the process moving. See notes below.
– We have set up a bank account, and merchant accounts, so we can take membership payments and donations. All of these are in the association name, made possible by donations from Board members.
Action Step: You can go now to the web site and officially JOIN or donate via credit card or PayPal. The official membership module will be live soon. In the meantime, anyone who donates $100 or more will be switched to "paid member" status once the module is in place.
I know there’s a lot here. But it takes a lot to get this rocket off the launchpad.
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Board Update
The corporate Board of Directors was officially constituted on August 6th with members Amy Babinchak, Rayanne Buchianico, and Erick Simpson. This board will guide us through getting everything set up and holding elections for additional board members, and committee members.
The Board is in the process of drafting Mission and Vision statements for approval by the membership. They will also draft a code of ethics.
The Board has appointed Karl Palachuk as the Executive Director. Karl serves at the pleasure of the Board and will manage the day-to-day activities of running the organization.
The Board has created two membership levels. Additional levels and pricing may be determined at a later date. Note that the membership fee is low enough that there’s no excuse for that to be a deterrent. Right now, we need numbers.
Registered Member (Free)
– Self-designate as MSP, VAR, Vendor, Educator, Media, etc.
– Can attend all Member meetings as a non-voting member
– Listed in the Membership Directory
– Cannot serve on Committees Cannot vote in National elections
Professional Member (Annual Fee: $ 100)
– All the benefits of Registered Members, plus the following
– Can access all “member content” on the web site, including Forums and downloads
– Can serve on Committees (limit one named person per paid membership)
– Can vote for Committee positions and Board of Directors (limit one vote per paid membership)
– Limit one paid membership per company. Other employees may be Registered members. Requires two letters of character from either a client or paid level member of NSITSP (initial year only)
– Can use the NSITSP Member Logo on web site, etc.
Committee Update
The Board has agreed to form the following committees immediately. This is certainly not the final list of committees. But just enough to get us started.
The Formation Committee will be the “Committee on Committees” although that name sounded a bit too meta. They will suggest an overall structure for the organization and the committees to be created going forward.
The Legislation Committee will create “ideal” draft legislation and begin the process of organizing lobbying efforts. They may also do some work on messaging. We’ll see how this evolves.
The Finance and Fundraising Committee will draft a budget to guide our activities. As we begin to have increased expenses, they will work on both determining appropriate costs and organize raising the money to pay for things. And, of course, they will provide ongoing oversight of how money is spent.
All committees will work in conjunction with the Executive Director and the Board of Directors. The Board is very clear, as an operating principle, that this organization will be community-based organization rather than a top-down organization. Which is to say, the goal is for the Board to approve and implement the desires of the Committees and Membership, not to simply have the Committees rubber-stamp Board decisions.
That requires engagement and commitment. So far, it looks like we’ll have that.
Applying to Serve on the Board of DirectorsAction Steps: Visit to access FAQs and applications.
We have created this Board FAQ to give information about serving on the Board.
And we have created this Board Application form to formally apply to serve.
Everyone who filled out the Volunteer Form and expressed in interest in serving on the Board has been sent a link to the FAQ and application.
Applying to Serve on a National Committee
Action Steps: Visit to access FAQs and applications.
We have created this Committee FAQ to give information about serving on a Committee.
And we have created this Committee Application form to formally apply to serve.
Everyone who filled out the Volunteer Form and expressed in interest in serving on a committee has been sent a link to the FAQ and application.
Meeting Date and Time
One final thing: We need to figure out a meeting date/time that works for a lot of people. Clearly the Wednesday 9AM Pacific time slot has a lot of competition from webinars and other activities.
I’ve created this form to give feedback on your preferred times/dates for general membership meetings. Of course someone won’t always be able to make a specific time, but we need to start somewhere.
Action Step:
Please give your feedback:
Thank you.
If you have questions or feedback, please email [email protected].