We had a GREAT Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community Roundup meeting on Thursday. Our special "Roundup" meetings are held the first Thursday of every month for members only. We produce events that you won't find anywhere else in the IT Community.
We kicked off the December meeting with two big awards.
Our Member of the Year for 2021 is Vince Gerasolo of Da Vinci Networks, Toronto.
Vince has attended almost every weekly member meeting since we introduced them in March 2020. In 2021, he spent several months running his business from Italy and trying out a four-day work with his company.
All along the way, Vince kept us all informed on how the "experiment" is going. (It's going well, and still ongoing.) Last month, Vince wrote up his Four-Day Work Week Policy and contributed it to the Community. Of course we're planning to dig into it with the members.
On top of all that, Vince has helped out several members who needed assistance with their business.
Overall, Vince is exactly what you look for in Member of the Year. Congratulations, Vince!
Our Community Leader of the Year for 2021 is Amy Babinchak of Third Tier.
Amy has been a community leader in the SMB IT space for a couple decades. And we are blessed that she has given our organization some of the energy she brings to everything she does.
Amy attends most of our weekly meetings, offers great education to all of our members, and is a true font of wisdom for our group.
In addition to owning Harbor Computer Services in Royal Oak, MI, she runs Third Tier and is a partner in Sell My MSP. On top of all that, she's the President of the Board of the National Society of IT Service Providers. NSITSP is in its "founding" stage and requires a great deal of time.
So it's no exaggeration that we are honored to have her give us so much of her time. Again, exactly what you would look for in a Community Leader of the Year. Congratulations, Amy!
The Program
Our special guest on the SBT Roundup was Paul Draper - A mentalist and anthropologist who put on a really great, entertaining, and educational program.
At Paul's request, the program was not recorded. So I guess we'll have to have him back at some point.
After the delightful magic/mentalism program, Paul talked about his experience training large IT companies about cybersecurity from and anthropologist's perspective using magic. We also discussed how he transitioned his business from live-only to Zoom-only during the pandemic.
And when Paul departed after an hour, the rest of us stayed for another hour.
The bottom line is: If you missed it, you missed a GREAT meeting.
But don't worry: You can join us and never miss another meeting. The Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community give you a great community, plus ALL of my books, classes, checklists, roadmaps, and other materials for an amazingly low price.
But please note: The Price Goes Up January 1st!
If you join today, you can lock in the price of $1,099/year (or $119/month) forever.
We are 100% dedicated to your success!