Monday, November 30, 2015

Three Free Killer Webinars - Awesome End-Of-Year Advice from the Pros

I decided that I wanted to put on a webinar for end-of-the-year webinar to cover SOPs related to end-of-year reports you should run. But there's a lot to cover. And I wanted to leave time for questions.

Then I thought it would be good to discuss some of these with Rayanne Buchianico and Manuel Palachuk. That was too much information and zero time for questions.

So I talked to Rayanne and Manuel and we came up with THREE end-of-year webinars. And we're doing them back to back. Click HERE to register for all three. Free.

Here's the schedule:

December 15th - Karl Palachuk End-of-Year Advice

10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern

- End-of-Year and Beginning-of-Year Reports for the MSP
- Round-Robin discussion with Rayanne and Manuel
- Audience Q and A

Karl is the author of 15 books, most focused on the business processes of technology consultants. His Managed Services in a Month is now in its second edition and has been the #1 book on Amazon for "Managed Services" for more than six years.

Register Now - Free
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December 16th - Rayanne Buchianico End-of-Year Advice

10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern

- End-of-Year Tax Planning Tips, QuickBooks Clean Up, and Budgeting
- Round-Robin discussion with Manuel and Karl
- Audience Q and A

Rayanne is the owner of ABC Solutions, LLC in Clearwater, Florida. ABC Solutions provides accounting, tax, and accounting systems consulting services to SMB IT companies throughout the United States. She is a community leader and one of the principle instructors for the Great Little Seminar series from Small Biz Thoughts.

Register Now - Free
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December 17th - Manuel Palachuk End-of-Year Advice

10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern

- Review and Redefine your Business Identity for the Coming Year
- Round-Robin discussion with Rayanne and Karl
- Audience Q and A

Manuel is the coach who will take you to the gym not just send you there. He believes that small business is the backbone of the world and the service industry in particular is the heart! Manuel has served as an in-house or outsourced COO for a variety of managed service providers. He is one of the principle instructors for the Great Little Seminar series from Small Biz Thoughts.

Register Now - Free
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We are very pleased to get together for this three-day event to help you get the most out of year-end 2015 and get a great start on a fresh new year.

Join for a fun, informative three-webinar extravaganza.

Register Now - Free


Saturday, November 21, 2015

New Video: Performing the "Monthly Single" in Addition to the Monthly Maintenance

The last few SOP Videos (see have been about the Monthly Maintenance Checklist. This week we cover the Monthly Single.

What is a Monthly Single? Simply put, it's one single task that you perform across all your clients to make sure they are all guaranteed to have that thing done. For example, you might log into every firewall, backup the configuration to the server, apply all updates to the firewall, and back up the configuration again. Once you do that at every client, you can feel confident that there's one more thing you don't have to worry about.

You will need to create a specific procedure for each of these Monthly Singles, and then store them in a place so you can find them and repeat them in a year or so.

Some things (like testing backups) are critically important and need to be done every month. Others (like stress testing the UPS batteries) are important but only need to be done about once a year. The second group are good candidates for Monthly Singles.

Enjoy the video - and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

Feedback welcome.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Business Solutions Announces ISV IQ - free registration if you act soon

Got a note from my friend Jim over at Business Solutions.

They are announcing a new conference for Software Developers. ISV IQ will be held February 24th in Santa Ana, CA and October 6th in Philadelphia. Details and registration links are below.

From Jim . . .

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Hi Karl -

I'm thrilled to announce Business Solutions will host conferences exclusively for ISV/software developer executives in 2016.

ISV IQ Live! is radically different from other channel events:
  • ISV companies who attend the event will receive at no charge a Business Solutions marketing toolkit valued at $10,175. The toolkit will help ISVs reach both our channel audience and end user decision makers from our sister publications in the healthcare, field technologies, and retail verticals. Marketing activities include magazine and online exposure, email newsletter inclusions, a contact list of VARs or end users in markets you want to target, content syndication, and more.
  • All ISVs who attend will walk away with a $100 Visa gift card. We want to reward ISVs who share our belief in expanding their knowledge of the channel.
  • You'll learn how to distribute your software more widely through expert discussions about raising capital, partnering, and ISV marketing. ISV IQ Live! is not a hackathon and you won't be doing any coding at our conference. Instead, you'll spend a day learning from and networking with forward-thinking, growth-oriented software executives.
To redeem your complimentary registration, use the promo code EARLYBIRD
by December 7:
Santa Ana (February 24) -
Philadelphia (October 6) -

If you have questions about this new event, please email me or visit


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Friday, November 13, 2015

Monthly Maintenance Checklist - The Most Important Checklist in a Managed Service Business!

My latest SOP video for Managed Service Providers is out! The topic is The Monthly Maintenance Checklist.

In the last video ( I gave an intro to the MMC. In the new video I go into some detail about what's included and why.

View the latest video here:

Next week I'll go into detail on the "Monthly Single" mentioned here.

If you want more details and samples, you can search for the word "Monthly" at and you'll see the full SOP blog posts for the MMC and the Monthly Singles.

If you want a full ten-page description with samples of Monthly Maintenance Checklists for both Managed Service Clients and non-Managed Service Clients, you can find that over at here:

You might also want to pick up a FREE copy of the 68-point checklist at under the FREE section. There's a huge overlap between the 68-point checklist and the monthly maintenance because they both focus directly on the overall health of a client's (or prospect's) systems. So the things you'll check as a prospect's office will be the same things you check on once they're a paying client. Why? Because these are the most important things you need to focus on.

Sorry to overwhelm you with links, but there you are. Have fun!


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P.S., In you want a super-deep dive into checklists, check out the class being taught by my brother Manuel and me starting November 24th: The Most Important Checklists for Any I.T. Service Provider.


This course covers a long list checklists - with detailed examples and downloads.

Details as always at

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Who Wants Audio Books for Managed Services?

Who Wants Audio Books?

I get asked all the time about audio versions of my books.

So I am committing that this will be a major project of mine in the year ahead. The question is, which is first? And second? And third?

Please Help!

Here is a short survey to find out which of these projects I should tackle first, second, etc.

Name/email are optional. Please give your feedback so I know where to start.

Personally, I can't imagine reading the contracts book without a disclaimer that you shouldn't read it while operating heavy machinery, but if that's what you want, that's what we'll do.

The four-book set of SOPs will take some time. But once I start, I'll get them out as quickly as possible.

I have already set up a room specifically for this project. I just need to know where to start!

Thank you for your feedback and support!

- karlp