Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Erick Simpson on SMB Conference Call

Way back in January, the SMB Conference Call was launched with our special guest Erick Simpson.

We filled 100 phone lines! After that we moved to 300 lines. We haven't filled the lines since.

Let's see if we can fill them again.

Today's topic is . . .

Building and Running the Super Duper Service Desk

I hope you know Erick Simpson. If not, this will be a great introduction.

Erick is the author of two books on Managed Services. In fact, his double-whammy combo (Erick's two books for one low price) is a best seller at

Erick is also the co-author of one other book (that I'm aware of). He travels the earth making presentations on building your business, marketing your business, and running your business.

Today's call will focus on the last of these: Running your business. In particular, we'll focus on the specifics of running your service department.

If you missed Erick's last SMB Conference Call, download it at the SMB Conference Call page.

You'll find Erick to be thoughtful, enjoyable, and profitable to listen to!

Join us and learn more.


Find out more at The SMB Conference Call Page.

Tell all your friends and colleagues!

Here's your Conference Call information:

Date / Time
Wednesday August 6th, 2008
9:00 AM Pacific Time

Dial Conference Bridge:
(319) 279-1000
(U.S. phone number)
Your participant passcode is 1024518.

Look for more information on The SMB Conference Call Page.


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