Making Money in the Small Business Cloud

Portland, OR
April 14, 2012
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Only $249 per person
On sale now: Only $199!
(Includes Lunch and all-day training.)
Register two or more attendees and receive a 20% discount!

With Karl W. Palachuk
Small Business Consultant, Trainer, Host of the Cloud Services Roundtable
This all-day program includes four sessions with slide decks and related handouts. We focus entirely on moving into cloud services AND making money while doing it.
Among other things, we talk about . . .
- Specific offerings you can use to make money
- Marketing and promotion
- The effect on your personnel and operations
- The practical side of building your own, reselling others' solutions, and simply being an agent for another product
- How to restructure what you do for greater success in the cloud
- and more!
Many of us have made a living selling, installing, and maintaining Microsoft's Small Business Server. But now as we begin to integrate cloud services we need to figure out how to make that transition in an order - and profitable manner.
What They Say: “Karl’s seminar on making money in the cloud was by far the best seminar I’ve ever been to. This seminar was very inspirational and useful as I know he’s designed, tested, and actually sold the stuff he talks about. It’s a huge help for my business as there’s so much hype and non-useful information flying around, particularly with regard to the cloud.” -- Chris Cote, Tempe, AZ |
Cloud Training Agenda:
8:30 AM - Register / Networking9:00 AM - Session One: The State of the Small Business Cloud
10:30 AM - Session Two: Clients and Configurations
12:00 Noon - Lunch
1:00 PM - Session Three: Business Model Considerations
2:30 PM - Session Four: Marketing and Forward Thinking
4:00 PM - Networking
This is a totally practical seminar, intended to get you up to speed and selling cloud services right now.
Money Back Guarantee: If you are not totally satisified that this seminar is worthwhile and provides the training you need to make money as a cloud service provider, we'll refund the total cost of your registration.
See fine print.
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About Karl:
Karl W. Palachuk is the founder and CEO of KPEnterprises, a technology consulting firm focused on the SMB market in Sacramento, CA. He has experience running support services for companies from one person to some of the largest companies in the world. As a leader in the development of network documentation and managed services, Karl is a very popular speaker in the SMB Consulting Space.
Karl is also the host of The Cloud Services Roundtable, a broadcast/podcast dedicated to spreading information about cloud services to the SMB Community.
Fine print in bullshit. We don't do fine print. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
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