Friday, September 04, 2009

Misc. Updates: ZDTM, Events, etc.

I have been swamped as the book and SMB Nation preparations come to a head.

Here's a collection of announcements and information. I gotta get these scraps of paper off my desk.

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SMB Conference Call on Zero Downtime

We got a good recording of the SMB Conference Call with Manuel Palachuk on Zero Downtime Migrations (ZDTM). So I hope to have that posted on Saturday.

I inadvertently disconnected my home Internet!

After years of never using the home phone, we decided to disconnect it. Everyone has a cell phone. I have a VOIP phone from GLB at home. So we have enough phones. The only people who call the "home" phone are politicians and people who ignore the do not call list.

So, I called ATT to make sure I could get Internet without a telephone line. They said no problem. Scheduled that for Friday. Okay. You're good to go.

I hang up and . . . there's no Internet or dial tone on the old line. Doh! They didn't tell me they were going to do that. Why can't you hook up the new line first and then disable the old line?

Think zero downtime!

Anyway, the business owns two Sprint wireless cards. So that's how we're hobbling along for now. We should be back at a faster speed today.

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The Network Migration Workbook is now shipping!

Please allow 7-10 days for delivery. We have a bit of a backlog.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us in this endeavor.

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Vlad Mazek (Own Web Now/Exchange Defender) is joining me in Chicago September 23rd!

The seminar is An Introduction to Zero Downtime Migration Strategies.

It's perfect for anyone moving to SBS or any other Windows-based server. And, yes, that's either SBS 2008 or SBS 2003.

We still have some seats available for the discount price of . . . free. The discount code is ZDTM09 and takes the price from $49 to $ Free. Sponsored by the Chicago SBS User Group.

Info and registration are on the SMB Books Zero Downtime Migration Seminar page.

We'll cover
- Project Management for ZDTM
- Zero Downtime Migration Strategies

Wednesday September 23rd, 2009
Registration 6:00 PM
Seminar 6:30 - 9:00 PM

Marriott O'Hare
8535 West Higgins Rd
Chicago, Illinois

Only $49 !
Sponsored by the Chicago SBS User Group

Mark your calendars and plan to be in Chicago on September 23rd

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SMB Nation Discounts Extended!

Due to the late Labor Day holiday . . . Early bird pricing has been extended to September 25th to accommodate late Labor Day weekend!
- That's $200 off the regular
- Don't forget the $99/month payment plan

The big Preday events are October 1st (see below).

SMB Nation is October 2-4 in Vegas Baby!

Microsoft is using this event to do a Launch for Windows 7 along with SMB Channel Partner: speeches, hands-on labs, and a launch party.

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And of course . . .

Manuel and I are doing an all-day Zero Downtime Migration Deep Dive in Vegas on October 1st.

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Includes Lunch
and The New Book ($300 value)
and a bound Network Migration Binder ($100 value)

For more information, and to register, see . . .

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Join Me In Chicago September 23rd
Seminar - Introduction to Zero Downtime Migrations


  1. Hey Karl,
    Will purchasers of the book like myself also have access to this as is listed a spiff for the folks attending your seminar?
    Access to the "internal" Zero Downtime Migration web site with additional checklists and materials, including private discussion groups

  2. Hey, Sean.

    Yes. The entire Zero Downtime Migration web site (now under construction) will be designed for owners of the book.

    It will be a place to download checklists, engage is discussions about specific techniques or equipment, and more. We have a forums section and a book-owners-only question and answer section.

    And . . . we're working as fast as we can to get it up.
    -- karlp


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