Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tune Up The Fall Sales Machine

Have you announced a Small Business Server 2008 seminar to your clients yet?

Release date is November 12th.

If any clients have Software Assurance, contact them and tune them up. They should be ordering the bits in November, even if they won't install until next year. Get that disc and install key on the shelf and in the Network Documentation Binder!

Clients who have an older machine, or who are planning a new server sometime in 2009, need to know that they'll be buying SBS 2008.

Fall is a great time to do an information based seminar. Do it in the November 15-December 15 timeframe and you'll miss all the Christmas Holiday buzz about things not SBS. This is a really good time for seminars because you can do it with ZERO selling.

Just be 100% informational. After all, they're not likely to buy right this minute anyway. So you're warming them up for next year. Get them thinking. Lay down some thought patterns that they can repeat to themselves until next year.

"I love SBS. I need SBS. I've always loved SBS. I need 2008 more than 2003. I love SBS 2003; 2008 must be even better. SBS tastes great. SBS is less filling."

Like that.

What? You haven't even SEEN SBS 2008?

Fear not. Microsoft has you covered.

Join the Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Ready-to-Go Campaign.

I think this is the link:

I say think because the one all powerful super-logon means that each of us gets to the same page by different means. If that link doesn't work for you, search for Windows Small Business Server 2008 Ready-to-Go Campaign.

Here's what you'll find:

  • Small Business Server 2008 Demo + Demo Script (20.5 MB).
    "What's a Sneak Peek Event without a Sneak Peek Demo?"

  • Small Business Server 2008 Powerpoint Presentation
    Standard Microsoft Marketing hoopla. Succinct and compelling like Moby Dick. But you can cannibalize it and totally remake it as your own.

  • Small Business Server 2008 Datasheet- Multiply Your Power
    Good marketing tool/summary sheet. Microsoft should do these for all products. And if they already do, I need to get better at finding them.

  • Small Business Server 2008 Datasheet- Top 10 Reasons
    As with previous, a good little flyer. User for web fodder or in your mailings

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Whether you're Certifiable or only Registered, Microsoft has a LOT of great marketing tools on their web sites. And don't just gobble up the stuff on the U.S. site. The UK marketing site also has a ton of good stuff.


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