Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Special event for May - Members-Only "Cloud Hangout"

We have scheduled a special event for the month of May!!!
. . . Along with the release of Cloud Services in a Month . . .

Small Biz Thoughts Community Members Only - Cloud Hangout

Here's what we're up to: I'm going to turn on the camera and microphone and just hang out on Zoom. I'll answer any questions you have. Or if you just want to chat about cloud services or your offering, I'm happy to talk about that as well.

This will be the last four Fridays in May: 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st.

Any SBT member who shows up between 11 AM and Noon (Pacific) is welcome to join us.

Member Go Here

You can come with an agenda or without. I just want to make myself available to all members. Of course I hope some of you will be working your way through Cloud Services in a Month. So I'm happy to talk about the book, the philosophy, the handout, etc. Other than the general topic of "Cloud," I'm not setting any limits on what we discuss.

Here how to join us: Go to the Webinars/Meeting section and look for the Members Only Cloud Hang.

You'll need to register on Zoom. The password is on that page.

Strictly limited to Members Only. To find out more about the SBT Community, go to https://bit.ly/sbtinfo

Note: These meetings are NOT going to be recorded. If you want to be part of the Hang, you need to show up live. If this works, we'll do more stuff like this.

(If it doesn't work, we're just pretend it never happened, and we'll never mention it again.)


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