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The basic theme is one I've been paid to present several times:
Branding is More Than Your Logo - It's Everything You Do!
This is part of the last of the MSP Tech Talk Series from SMB Nation.
Wednesday, June 28th
12:00 Noon Pacific
This is a 90 minute webinar
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Here's the bottom line on branding: Every single thing you do affects your brand. You must stop thinking about your brand as you logo, your stationary, and your business cards. Consider United Airlines:
They've had a series of negative public relations incidents over the last few months. And guess what? It hasn't changed their logo one bit! When people say things such as, "United does this" or "United does that," it reflects directly on their brand.
Consider your own brand. What does your company stand for? When people talk about your company, what do they say? What do they say you do? How do they describe your uniqueness?
Join us for an entertaining and educational 90 minute webinar - Noon Pacific on Wednesday!
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