The Network Migration Workbook
by Karl W. Palachuk and Manuel L. Palachuk
List Price $299.95
Pre-Sales Price: $199
Format: 8.25" x 11" - 590 pages - Perfect Bound
Ship Date: September 1, 2009
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Zero Downtime Migrations Are Real!
Let's be honest, anyone can perform a network migration WITH downtime. You simply kick everyone off the system, put the client out of business for some period of time, and push through until you're done.
Without downtime is another story.
Without downtime . . .
* You can do network migrations during the workweek
* The client doesn't have to ever send people home because of you
* You can work when 3rd party support is available
* You don't have to pay overtime
* and Neither does the client
* You look like a hero!
ZDTM (Zero Downtime Migrations) Are Not Easy -- But They Are Manageable
ZDTMs require only a few key skills.
First, you need to be a good project manager. For SMB projects, this is a skill you can learn very quickly.
Second, you need a very thorough and complete checklist. You need to be able to manage the project while one of your technicians executes the project.
Third, you need a process that is repeatable and profitable. That means staying inside the scope of work.
It also means you have to quote the job properly!
The Network Migration Workbook gives you everything you need.
It won't fit in your back pocket. It's on full letter size paper and it's almost 600 pages.
But it definitely has everything you need.
We start with a discussion of the entire process so you see the big picture. We talk about the scope of work and how critical it is to your internal processes and your relationship with the client.
Next, we introduce the pre-discovery process. That means making a list of all the things you need to discover so you really understand the project.
After the pre-discovery is complete, you can quote the project. We lay out a process based on 10+ years of SBS Migration experience. We divide the migration into seven distinction stages.
We show you how to estimate the labor required for each stage. So you can always create a quote that's exactly suited for each client.
Those seven stages become seven service requests. You and the client agree on everything. As you finish each stage, you track every minute of every job. ALL work is inside the scope of the project.
If it's not inside the scope, then it must be outside the scope. In that case, you create a new service request that's billable.
The client agrees because they've bought in from the beginning.
Now you've delivered your migration project on time and inside the budget. All other work is outside the scope of the migration project and therefore billable.
Don't worry. We show you how to complete every piece of this process.
We give you every Excel spreadsheet, the wording for the service requests, and click-by-click every keystroke it takes to deliver a migration with zero downtime.
Download Table of Contents (pdf)
Download First 3 Pages of Chapter 1 (pdf)
Download First 3 Pages of Chapter 5 (pdf)
Two Monster Checklists
You want true click-by-click instructions? We got 'em!
Appendix A is a 220 page checklist that details every piece of the migration process for SBS 2003. Why 2003? Because we realistically believe that some people will be doing 2003 to 2003 migrations for some time to come.
Appendix B is a 250 page checklist that details every piece of the SBS 2008 migration -- click by click. With a good project manager, you'll be able to hand over any migration to any technician and guarantee success.
We cover every procedure: From quoting the project, to building the server, to migrating the desktops. We've got a "golden" section called My Favorite Whitepapers that lists the most important Microsoft Knowledgebase articles and other resources out on the Internet. This list is so good, we've been offered to $100 just for these ten pages!
Awesome Network Documentation
You've probably heard of (or used) Karl's Network Documentation Workbook. Well, this book includes many new and revised forms from the next version of the Network Documentation Workbook.
When you're finished with this migration, you will have a perfectly new, perfectly documented system.
More importantly, the migration process outlined here will give you a repeatable and profitable network migration strategy.
Even if you can't read through the entire book before your next migration, you'll start saving money right away. Why? Because you'll define the project properly. You'll quote the project profitably. You will save hundreds of dollars by simply following our pre-discover and discovery process.
No More Surprises! Where do you lose money on a migration? You lose money when you find surprises.
* Network equipment you didn't know about
* Databases no one mentioned
* "Critical" vacation pictures that take up 62GB
* Unexpected ISP changes in the middle of the migration
* Third party vendors who are not available when you've got the database offline
* Scope Creep!
The Zero Downtime Migration Process eliminates the unknown and makes you more profitable.
You'll finish every project on time.
You'll remove the RISK of the unknown.
And you'll be the hero because the client won't lose money during the process!
Money Back Guarantee
If you buy any Network Migration Books or Seminars from Great Little Book Publishing, we Guarantee your satisfaction - of you get a 100% refund - No Questions Asked!
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