Sunday, February 08, 2009

Check Out Small Business IT Radio

Stuart Crawford is at it again . . .

Small Business IT Radio is an Internet based web cast designed to provide valuable business information for Small Business IT Professionals. Are you a listener?

Their recent show featured author and speaker David Meerman Scott, who is a marketing and sales expert and PR guru from the Boston, MA area. David and Stuart Crawford discussed the new rules of PR in today's world and covered what IT professionals and Small Business Owners need to focus on to allow their business to get in front of new business opportunities, keep in touch with your local community, inform your clients on what you are doing and how to do this while balancing everything else in your business life.

Listen to a recording of the show by going to:

David has a number of great free ebooks available on his website. For more information and to download, go to

Stuart can be found at

and . . .



  1. Hey there Karl,

    Thanks for pointing me towards this link. I hadn't heard of that website yet but I just checked it out and listened to that interview with David Meerman Scott.

    Was a good interview and addition to the book he wrote. That's one of my favorite recent books. Have you checked it out by the way?

    Thanks again for pointing this site out to me. Do you know how often they do shows or interviews?



  2. I don't know how often then plan to do shows, but if you registered, they'll keep you informed!


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