Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Amy Babinchak Offer Amazing Training on Azure AD, EndPoint Manager, and Modern Microsoft Cloud Best Practices

Long-time community leader and Microsoft MVP Amy Babinchak has been doing some training over at Third Tier (thirdtier.net) under the title, "Don't Miss This Setting." Now she's offer an awesome three-part training with the course title

EndPoint Manager

(You know Microsoft likes to change the name of things just to make sure no one knows what they're talking about. EndPoint Manager is the new name for InTune.)

Microsoft's next big move is "Lighthouse" - until they change the name to something else. Lighthouse will allow managed service providers to manage services across several clients. If that sounds like an RMM, it just might be.

Anyway, Amy's training will lay down some great groundwork for managing Microsoft services and provide great background for the implementation of future technologies.

Register Here

The course is designed for technicians that have some familiarity with Azure Active Directory and Group Policy. 

The course includes, a pre-recording of the M365 Admin: Don’t miss this setting! session on Endpoint Manager, 4 hours of live instruction, recordings of each session, and any materials shown during class.

I say it's a three-part training because the first session is already recorded and you should download it as soon as you register. The live sessions are:

Session #1 is December 18th

Session #2 is December 28th

Register Here

About the Course

Session 1 December 18th 1pm – 3pm Eastern

  • The difference between managing a device and managing an application and how the state of the device in Azure AD can determine what options you will have available. There are two options for getting devices into Azure AD.
  • Pitfalls are EndPoint Manager: You will learn how to force a sync of policies to a machine and the schedule that Intune uses to automatically refresh those polices
  • The importance of setting up groups on Azure AD and standard set of groups to get started with.

  • Setting up the EndPoint Manager portal

  • Configure your first policies: compliance, configuration, and application

Session 2 December 28th 1pm – 3pm eastern

  • How to export and share policies between tenants
  • We will push an application to a device
  • Class choice. We’ll gather a few policy requirements that you have and configure those.
  • Q&A

Register Here


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