Friday, February 01, 2019

January Roundup - What a Way to Start the Year!

Some days I feel lazy. Then I sit down to look at what really got accomplished in the first month of the year. For me, it was quite a bit.

I'm grateful to have had such a productive kick-off for 2019.

Over at my YouTube Channel, I posted ten videos:

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And I managed to produce a dozen blog posts at Small Biz Thoughts:

Subscribe to my blog and never miss a post!

Over in the Small Biz Thoughts Community, we posted a lot of great content, including . . .

You can always see what's new on the "What's New" blog:

I also posted four 30-minutes interviews over at SMB Community Podcast, with

  • Len DiCostanzo
  • Arlin Sorensen
  • Manuel Palachuk
  • Erick Simpson

(See video links above.)

Along the way, I produced two webinars, including my 10th Annual State of the Nation Address for Small Business IT. And I delivered a new presentation live at SMB TechFest.

On the education front, I delivered most of the 5-Week Class on Managing Your Service Board, with over forty people registered. In addition, I taught an all new three-part mini class on Tuning Up Your Employee Onboarding Process - inside the SBT Community.

. . . And somewhere along the way, finished three more chapters in my next book: Cloud Services in a Month. I'm on target to finish it this quarter.

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I love to relax. And I love to be lazy.

But I have to admit the I feel best at the end of a day when I feel that I've actually accomplished a lot. January, for me, feels extremely satisfying because it feels very productive.

Unfortunately, I missed a few deadlines.

Oh well. I'll try to catch up in February.

If you want to keep up with all of my activities, the best way is to subscribe to my weekly Small Biz Thoughts Newsletter. I try to include unique content you won't find anywhere else. It's free.

Please sign up today.

And I would appreciate your feedback on any of my content.


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