Friday, September 23, 2016

SOP: Desktop Documentation

Desktop documentation is really easy if you start it while building up machine for delivery to the client. You should have a standard machine spec sheet, but you're also going to get a lot of juicy good information from the spec sheet online at the distributor. You might as well print that off and keep it.

As with servers or any other equipment, I recommend that you use pouch folders to store all documentation, CDs, DVDs, warranty info, etc. You should also have customized checklists for each client - and update them with each machine you deliver.

Here's my latest SOP video on this subject:

Just remember: That machine build checklist probably has some secure information on it - so be sure to treat those printouts with respect and keep them safe.

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Also see the earlier videos on server documentation.

Documenting a Server, Part 1

Documenting a New Server, Part 2

Documenting a New Server, Part 3


1 comment:

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