Monday, May 30, 2011

Updated Schedule / Instructions: 24 Hours In The Cloud

We're getting down to the wire with the big "24 Hours in the Cloud" event. Starts June 1 at 9:00 AM Pacific and goes on for 24 hours. One webinar per hour.

The GITCA web site is impossible to traverse and doesn't work with browsers other than Internet Explorer. So here's how you can view these sessions.

I've posted the updated times, presenters, and session titles below. The timetable with longer descriptions is here:

Speaker information is here:

Note: There is no registration for this event.
So don't log in. Don't sign up. Don't confuse yourself by trying to register.

On the day of the event, simply go to and watch the presentation. If you want to ask questions, go to Twitter and follow hashtag #24hitC.

If you're not a Twitter Geek, here's an easy way to follow the discussion:

1) Go to

2) Click on the 1 X 2 option

3) Use the left side to play in case you get bored. On the right side type #24hitC and click Search.

4) If you want to join the discussion or ask a question, just send a tweet with that hashtag. For example: "Where do I buy SBS Essentials? #24hicC"

You can also follow the 24 Hours in the Cloud folks on Twitter at @24hitC.

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Revised and Updates Sessions:

Session Time

9:00AM/5:00PM Doug Terry
KeyNote: Technology in the Cloud - Plus some Challenges and Opportunities

10:00AM/6:00PM Ricardo Gonzalez Varga
Introduction to Azure Connect

11:00AM/7:00PM Rodrigo Pinto
Developing for Sharepoint Online

12:00 Noon/8:00PM Swanand Pol
Migrating ASP.NET Applications To Windows Azure

1:00PM/9:00PM Neil Simon
Introduction to Windows Azure and Cloud Computing

2:00PM/10:00PM Dave O'Leary & Terrie McAloney
Opportunity and Risk of Cloud Computing for Higher Education

3:00PM/11:00PM Dave O'Leary
Challenges in migrating existing apps into the cloud

4:00PM/12:00AM Andy Zhang
Effective Server Management--Applications in the Cloud and on the Premise

5:00PM/1:00AM Dana Epp & Charlie Russel
Trust in the Cloud

Trust in the Cloud -- how you use the cloud, do you trust your data there, how do you leverage cloud technologies to EXTEND your trust and also what happens to that trusted data when you can't pay your monthly fee.

6:00PM/2:00AM Panel Discussion
Why Businesses are Making the Move to the Cloud

7:00PM/3:00AM Jesús Enrique Gonzales Azcarate
Windows Intune: Administración de las PC’s con Cloud Services
Note: This session is in Spanish

7:30PM/3:30AM Cheng Zhang
Building Your First Private Cloud Now

8:00PM/4:00AM Karl W. Palachuk
Migrating to SBS Essentials with Hosted Exchange and Hosted Backup

Many small businesses are operating with Microsoft’s Small Business Server or Server 2008 and Exchange onsite. With limited bandwidth for the next few years, the perfect solution is SBS Essentials (active directory and storage) onsite and other vital services in the cloud. Karl, author of The Network Migration Workbook, will walk you through the process of migrating to SBS Essentials, combined with cloud-bases services, with zero downtime at the client’s office.

9:00PM/5:00AM Seb Matthews
Private Cloud Solutions, yes, no or maybe?

10:00PM/6:00AM Anton Staykov
Building scalable Video Converter with Windows Azure

11:00PM/7:00AM Miguel Lopez
A lap around Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket and the Open Data initiative and some interesting uses of public data

June 2 - Midnight Pacific Time

12:00AM/8:00AM Jim Reavis
Achieving Security Assurance and Compliance in the Cloud

1:00AM/9:00AM Reza Ameri
Privacy in Cloud

2:00AM/10:00AM Bill Wilder
Cloud Scalability Patterns for the Windows Azure Platform

3:00AM/11:00AM Tomica Kaniski
Building Your "Private Cloud"

4:00AM/12:00 Noon Razi bin Rais
Gettting Started with Microsoft SharePoint Online

5:00AM/1:00PM Greg Edwards
To the Cloud: Online Living with Windows Live

6:00AM/2:00PM Martin Schmidt
Extreme Scaling with SQL Azure

7:00AM/3:00PM Martin Schmidt
SQL Azure performance tuning and monitoring - Let's open up the black box

8:00AM/4:00PM J. Trevor Hughes
Data Environmentalism

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