Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Webinar with George Sierchio: Exit Strategies

Thursday, December 11th.
9:00 AM Pacific / 12 Noon Eastern
Estimated Time: 75 minutes

Topic: Exit Strategies -- Selling Your Business and Other Alternative Exits.

You can learn about George here: George is a success coach and author. His book and coaching system are available at SMB Books.

In particular, George and I will discuss two topics:

1. Maximizing profit for the owner.

2. Maximizing value from the buyer's perspective.

And, of course, this discussion will touch on . . .
- What are potential business buyers looking for?
- What's the current value of your business?
- How can you maximize your business value to you and to a buyer (even if you're a 1 person show)?
- What positives can happen NOW as a result of structuring your business for a future exit?

Here's the link for the webinar signup:

Additional links:

George's Blog

Karl's Blog


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