Thursday, March 16, 2017

Webinar - The Most Important Rules for Running a Managed Service Business - March 28th

I'm super happy to announce a brand new webinar I'll be doing with SolarWinds MSP on Tuesday the 28th

The Most Important Rules for Running a Managed Service Business

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
8:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (11am Eastern)

Register for Free

Here's the scoop:

Over the years, I've put together a list of the definitive rules for my business(es). These are the twenty-two rules that make us successful, keep us profitable, and virtually guarantee that we will deliver excellent service.

OK - I'll be honest. We will not be able to go into detail on all twenty-two rules. But I *am* giving you a free handout that includes all twenty-two. every bulletin board in your office. And we'll cover enough so that you'll see how they all fit together.

I'm not kidding when I say that I could easily turn this into a 22-chapter book on the absolute best practices for running a successful and profitable IT business.

So please join us live on the 28th. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Register for Free

Thanks to SolarWinds MSP for making this possible.



  1. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Is there a recording of this? It was very short (29 minutes) and very informative, I want to share it with my team at work on our monthly staff meeting.

  2. Thank you. It was recorded. When SolarWinds gives the link, I'll report with their permission.

    If you attended, you should receive a link from them when the recording is posted.

    I appreciate your support.


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