Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Don't Miss My Annual "State of the Nation" Address for Small Business IT

Karl's 7th Annual Annual "State of the Nation" Address 

Tomorrow -
Wednesday, January 20th
9:00 AM Pacific / 12 Noon Eastern

Mark your calendar now and don't miss this once-a-year podcast. This will be my 7th Annual "State of the Nation" for small technology providers.

Don't miss this year's webinar.

Webinar Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3940389460787292674

No cost. Just register and tune in.

Paste that into your calendar so you don't forget!

Topics Include:

  • Highlights (lowlights?) from 2015
  • Windows 8 / 10 / what's next
  • Cloud Services
  • The Economy
  • Building the Habit of Success

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As I look forward to an amazingly productive year, I am turning my focus to defining the most important habits of success that will take me to the next level. I am convinced that more people could do amazing things with a few changes in this area.

The business environment has never been better poised to take off. You know, you never have to worry about the economy "out there" when you own a small business. Yes you have to work hard, but you really only have to worry about your own personal economy - and you have 95% control of that.

As strange as it sounds, this is a wonderful time to reboot your business, sell some new products, and improve your business.

Tune in to learn more.

Karl's 7th Annual State of the Nation Address for SMB IT
January 20th
9:00 AM Pacific
Webinar Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3940389460787292674

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Note: I have 100 seats and we have 105 registered so far. Do Not Worry!

 One of the things I've learned is that there's about a 50% drop-off rate when things are free. If registration reaches 200, I'll buy the extra seats.

Plan to log in early, though, to guarantee your seat.

See you then.

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