Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Third Tier Chat - December 17th - Three New Services and a Produtct

I just got a note from Amy over at Third Tier. It looks like they have an amazing "Chat" scheduled for next week. Click the "download" link to add the Lync link to your calendar.

Here's the memo from Amy: 
Third Tier
Introducing 3 new services and our first product!

You are invited to a preview during our Chat on December 17th 6pm eastern. Download to your calendar now!
Our Chat will introduce the following new items at Third Tier. In addition we'll cover our usual content about security and patching. Join us for this special sneak preview of...

Tech Your Books
You know your books are supposed to do more for you than just keep you out of trouble with the IRS right? They are supposed to be a powerful business tool that helps you be more profitable and provide information so you can make evidence backed decisions about your business. It’s time to Tech Your Books!
Look, A Whale!
What to you do when you’ve got a Whale? Be it a crisis or a project, your company could benefit greatly if you choose to have a third party representing your organization.
Our First Product: SBS
Ever since Microsoft ceased production of small business server saying that small businesses would prefer to be "in the cloud" IT providers have wondered where that leaves them. Well we have a solution for you - Be The Cloud!
Super Secret News
ASP members have been enjoying reading classified documents from US intelligence and security agencies giving them the early information on the latest hacks, industry targets and break-out infections. Learn about our after ASP plans to bring this information to you.

Our goal at Third Tier is provide IT Professionals with access to the resources they need to be successful. We've now got: SMBKitchen, Advanced Helpdesk, MicroStaffing, Tech Your Books, Look, A Whale and SBS. And a full dozen people to bring these services to your team. We're giving IT firms the tools they need!

Hope to see you at the chat!


Amy Babinchak

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