Friday, February 01, 2013

Total Consulting Make-Over - Free Audio Program

Free audio program: Redesign Your Business to Fulfill YOUR Personal and Professional Goals

Your really can make huge changes in your business this year.
My theme for the entire year 2013 is Reboot Your Business.
This presentation was recorded in January 2013. It is focused 100% on small I.T. consultants who want to dramatically improve their business this year.

This is a 47 minute audio program in MP3 format. You do not need to register or provide any information to download this recording.
Please note the following items are referenced in the audio program:
2. The SMB Online Conference -
(June 25-27, 2013)
3. Rayanne Buchianico - SBSer of the Year -
4. SMB Nation's Pocket MBA program:

Note: The discount code mentioned in this audio program is only good through Feb. 15, 2013 - But the audio itself is a great motivational program that's good any time!

Download the Audio Now:

Total Consulting Make-Over: Redesign Your Business to Fulfill YOUR Personal and Professional Goals

- by Karl W. Palachuk

Please check out the amazing opportunity for June:

SMB I.T. Reboot 2013

The SMB Online Conference:

SMB I.T. Reboot 2013

For training materials focused 100% on the Small and Medium Business IT Consultant, visit SMB Books -

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