Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Want to Test Drive Aurora / SBS Essentials Setup Procedures?

I have put together a draft procedure for setting up SBS Essentials Server (The server formerly known as Aurora). I have also written a procedure for connecting local machines to the SBS Essentials Server network.

These documents are currently 3 pages each, not counting a page full of space to write notes and additional procedures.

If you are in the Aurora TAP or Beta program, you are currently installing this product, and you would like to test-drive my procedures, please ping me.

You will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and agree to not distribute these forms outside your own company.

The first 20 people to request these forms will be contacted. To sign up, email [email protected] with the subject line Gimme Those Forms!

These procedures make reference to other documents in our process that you may not possess. The other documents include Machine Spec Sheet, DHCP configuration documentation,  etc. If you have The Network Documentation Workbook and the Network Migration Workbook, then you will have these forms. Otherwise, they're not too difficult to figure out and are not required to have success with the Aurora-specific installation.



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