Thursday, June 10, 2010

Interview with Robin Robins June 23rd - Author of the Managed Services Blueprint

I have tried to keep it a secret, but I'm a huge fan of Robin Robins.

For the uninitiated, let me give you my un-official, un-approved, unauthorized introduction to Robin Robins.

At the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference a couple years ago, a product manager from Microsoft asked about the best decision I ever made in my business. I proceeded to tell him that this was a very easy question for me. The best decision I ever made in my business was to buy into Robin Robins' Technology Marketing Toolkit.

After fifteen years in business, this is still true.


Well, I think Robin misrepresents herself as a marketing consultant. To me she is a business consultant. She doesn't necessarily know about every aspect of running my business. But she interviews people, provides resources, and makes connections for her members so that every aspect of the business is improved.

I originally bought Robin's Technology Marketing Toolkit. Then I joined one of her monthly "clubs" so I could get the updates. Then she introduced her Managed Services Blueprint. So I got that. We have about three feet of shelf spaced dedicated to RR materials.

Don't tell Robin this, but I'll pretty much buy anything she asks me to. Why? Because I make more money from her materials than I spend on them. Period.

(Gulp. I just signed up for This Monster Seminar . . . because I believe it will make me more money than it will cost me.

From time to time Jennifer, my office manager, goes through our expenses and credit card bills to see where we can cut. "Do we really need this? This? That?" Everyone once in awhile she'll ask about the Technology Marketing Toolkit and I have to say Do Not Touch. Take that off the list of things we might cut some day. That monthly payment is permanent!

Let me take you back to that Microsoft product manager. After listening to me preach the Gospel of Robin for ten minutes his only comment was "Damn, I wish I could get Microsoft Partners to get that excited about what we do for them."

It is what it is. I don't mean to detract from my love for Microsoft.

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Please Join Me for a special teleseminar. I'm going to interview Robin
Wednesday, June 23rd
3:00 p.m. ET / 2:00 p.m CT/ 1:00 p.m. MT / 12:00 noon PT

Register for free at Robin's Site.

The official topic is . . .

5 Profit-Boosting Strategies For Struggling MSPs

If you know me, you know I can promise real content here. You should listen with a pen and paper ready. You will learn valuable information here. I guarantee it.

Will there be a pitch? Yes. Hello! We're talking to an amazing world-class marketing person here. So that's part of the deal.

And I have been promised that the people who listen to this call will really, honestly get a deal on a program that will not go on sale to the general public for another week at a much higher price.

But even if you don't spend a penny, I promise you'll get value from this call.

Please sign up today.

Register for free at Robin's Site.

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Here's the official description:

If you want to know the absolute BEST way to secure more high-profit, Managed Services contracts, don't miss this session. During this presentation, Marketing Guru Robin Robins will talk about what's working right now for IT business owners to not only convert most of their clients to Managed Services, but also how to secure new contracts, quickly and easily. You'll learn:
  • The biggest mistakes 97% of all MSPs make when marketing Managed Services that is causing them to turn off new prospects and devalue what they are selling.
  • How to stop competing on price and secure top dollar for your services.
  • The absolute BEST marketing strategy for drawing in more qualified prospects than you ever thought possible; implement this and your competition doesn't stand a chance.
  • What marketing works best for selling Managed Services, and which ones will drain your wallet and waste your time.
  • Surprisingly inexpensive ways to get more appointments with new clients.
Full description at Robin's Site. :-) Disclosure: If you want to know about financial relationships between me and Robin, please read the discussions regarding the FTC around January 2010 here:

1 comment:

  1. ok, you got me. I'm a habitual tooltip reader....


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