Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Vlad, Erick, Karl End of Year Wrap-Up

I don't do this for everyone.*

For years now - maybe four? - Vlad and Erick and I have gotten together to summarize the year gone by and speculate about the year ahead.

Over the years the three of us have "grown apart" in the sense that our business models are more divergent each year. We do three very different things. But we each connect with the small business consulting community in more than one way.

If you haven't tuned in The Spam Show, check it out at Vlad's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ExchangeDefender. There you'll find Vlad, Erick, me, and the occasional "other" guest.

The most recent guest was Monique Rogers. She described how the technicians at Chartec are dressed in janitor dungarees and sprayed with Old Spice as they enter the workplace. And then we discuss the twists and turns of H.R. policy that created this Nerd Nirvana.

As you might suspect, we have fun. We give a little perspective. And we have more fun.

Please join us for this once-a-year show. The specifics and registration link are on Vlad's blog:


*I'm a bit of a whore, so I'll do this for everyone.


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The Best NOC and Service Desk Operations Book Ever!

by Erick Simpson

Ships very very very soon!

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