Monday, July 21, 2008

Dave Sobel's Amazing Referral Program

Have you met Dave Sobel? I first wrote about him over at

Dave "is" EvolveTech in the Virginia/DC area.

Dave is smart, witty, fun, a good gambler, and a good drinker.

And a good businessman, and a good technician.

One of the most profitable hours of my life is when I pinned Dave down in Anaheim and made him tell me all of his secrets. Dave has won some very-deserved attention from Microsoft for his marketing ideas.

And then I caught up with Dave in Vegas, trying to get to a blackjack table. So while the casino plied him with liquor, I got more information about how he does things.

Oh. Did I mention that Dave is the new co-host of the SBS Show with Vlad Mazek? Let's be honest, Susanne Dansey is better looking -- but it's radio, so Dave does fine.

Last public siting: Dave was the moderator for a panel of "superstars" at the ICCA conference in June. Seems like a year ago, but it was just over a month ago.

Last private siting: Dave coordinated a private van tour of the monuments at night because all the full-size buses were full. (Thanks, Dave. It was 99 degrees with 99% humidity. But we had an air conditioned van.)

Bottom Line:

Dave Sobel is a heckuva nice guy. Great businessman. etc.

If you get the chance to spend time with Dave, do it.

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So, what's new with Dave?

Three things.

Thing One: Virtualization.

Even before Microsoft released Hyper-V, Dave started a series of blog post on Virtualization. The basics. Getting Started. Practical considerations.

The future is here. and if you want to learn the details from someone who uses this technology every day, read Dave's blog. Free, of course: Check Out Dave's Blog.

{ Side Note. Dave: What's up with the blog? For $20/month I can hook you up with a nice service where you type domain/blog and you're connected. Anyway . . . }

If you need a quick update on "everything virtual" then read this blog!

Thing Two: Referrals

Dave has the coolest, gutsiest, smartest referral program I've ever seen. We're in the process of implementing this in our own business. Dave's referral program is geared specifically to recurring revenue and managed services. Here's the cool thing: Why hire a sales person when you can turn your clients into a sales staff?

Dave has just released a white paper on his referral program. Available exclusively at

Here's a tickle: Consider giving a "referral fee" equivalent to a month's managed services!!! It's bold. But cheaper than a sales person. There's no workers' comp. And you don't have to buy a new desk.

Find all the really great details by reading Dave's white paper.

Thing Three: Virtualization Seminar

Dave and I are putting on a seminar on September 4th, 2008 in Chicago. We are working with Amy and the good folks over at MSPSN and the MSP Revolution Conference. The seminar is totally FREE, but you gotta register.

The topic is:

Designing, Implementing, and Making Money with Virtual Environments
Come learn from two partners who run their own businesses with virtual environments and have each sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of virtual systems. You'll learn:

- The basics (hardware, software, the virtual environment)
- Designing a virtual environment
- Tools you'll need
- Right-sizing the hardware and setting expectations
- Implementing a virtual project -- profitably!
- Managing the virtual environment
- Licensing scenarios
- Building the future: hosted machines, instant backups, fast implementations, and more

Anyway . . .

Dave Sobel is a great guy. Connect with him at every opportunity. Check out his blogs. Check him out when he hosts the SBS Show. Check him out when he makes presentations at conferences. Buy his white paper. Join us in Chicago.

. . .

And encourage him to write a BOOK on that virtualization stuff!

1 comment:

  1. The Referral System sounds brilliant, I've just bought a copy :)



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