Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Free Informational Webinar – The First Year MSP

There are many challenges – and a thousand questions – that need to be addressed when you start a new business. If your business it IT consulting, you’re in luck! There are also many resources and a great community ready to support you and help you do it all better.

Join us for a free webinar on making the most of the first few years running your new IT business.

Introduction to the First Year MSP

January 22nd

9:00 AM

Register now!

In my annual address, I introduced the First Year MSP program. My team and I are looking forward to working with you and a small group of other highly motivated business owners.

Let’s be honest: All business involves some struggle. But that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. You can ask for help and get through the tough parts a lot faster.

All of us with a gray hair or two (ahem) can tell you lots and lots of stories about the mistakes we’ve made. Of course, mistakes are part of learning and growing. You start out making mistakes with technology. You know you’re a business owner when you find yourself making mistakes with clients, finance, and employee! You will make mistakes. That’s not the variable.

But you can make a lot fewer mistakes by learning from the experience of others! That’s what communities, training, coaching, and education are all about. You really can speed up the process by learning from others. You just have to commit and execute!

Join us for an educational seminar about the best ways to maximize success in the first few years of running your IT business. Free and open to all.

... and if you just can't wait for a peek at the First Year MSP Program, browse to https://www.smallbizthoughts.org/first-year-msp/ - and sign up for the webinar.

– Karlp


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