Free Valuable Things for MSPs (Really)
The IT community is filled with people who practice a "give-first" approach to working with MSPs and ITSPs. These free resources are designed to help folks like you with your business while also opening the door to meaningful connections with leaders in the community.
Over the years, I’ve seen how valuable these kinds of resources can be. For example, my "famous" 68-point checklist has been a go-to freebie for readers for years (Check it out at this link). Inspired by that success and the generosity of others in the IT space, I reached out to my network with a simple question:
Do you have something valuable to share with MSPs and ITSPs?
The response was overwhelming. And now we've put together a collection of these resources for you. (see below)
The total value of these give-aways is more than $2,500!!! All available for the asking.
There are no hidden sales or agendas here—just genuine offers from people who care about supporting the IT community. To claim these freebies, all you need to do is engage: send an email, click a link, or fill out a form.
Some of you may wonder if there’s a catch. The answer is no. These resources are offered in the spirit of giving first, with no requirement to sit through a webinar or sales pitch.
Of course, many of these contributors hope you’ll find value in their work and stay connected, but that’s entirely up to you.
Check out the list below. I think you'll recognize many people who seem to give and give and give. I assure you that the other names on the list are just as generous with their time and talent.
Here's How It Works:
Explore the offers below. If one or more looks interesting, follow the instructions.
Please use a legit email, if requested. These folks have put out an effort to be part of this program. And they are giving you something of value.
Be patient. It might take some effort to organize a coaching session or receive a postal mailing. And some are in other time zones and countries!
Say thank you! If you find something particularly helpful, close the loop and say thank you! A quick note or shout-out on social media is a great way to express your appreciation.
With all the big bucks in our industry these days, it's good to remember the people who focus on community first and giving first. Yes, they still need to sell *stuff* and make a living. But the give-first approach is a great way to make new friends and build meaningful relationships.
I'd love to hear your feedback about this program - and don't forget to check out MY give-away as well!.
Thank you. - Karl P.
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The Great Free Stuff:
From: Karl W. Palachuk / Small Biz Thoughts
Freebie 1: For everyone in the U.S.: FREE Waterproof Fleece Picnic Blanket - $25 Value
Details: Use code FREEBLANKET24 at You will need to pay $4 to help defray shipping (Actual cost is $10-$20). Available only inside the United States. Offer expires January 31, 2025.
Freebie 2: For everyone outside the U.S. (or those who don't need a blanket): Free book - The IT Consultant's Year of Intention (My newest book) - $29.95 Value.
Details: Use code FREEYOI24 at If you order the e-book version, it's 100% free and you can download immediately. Offer expires January 31, 2025.
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From: Terry Hedden / Marketopia
Freebie: 1 free hour of business consulting - $249 Value
Details: Marketopia is offering 1 free hour of business consulting to help MSPs figure out what they need to do from a sales and marketing perspective to achieve their business goals. You can take the plan and implement it yourself or give the plan to any vendor you wish. Value of $249 and the advice has no catch, no cost, no pitch!
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From: Heather Johnson / Gozynta
Freebie: One hour of Business consultation - $400 Value
Details: Ready to level up your business? Gozynta Eureka Consulting is excited to offer a FREE one-hour business consultation as part of our Growth Program—a perfect opportunity to gain expert insights into the areas that matter most to you.
During this customized session, our consultant can guide you through key topics like:
• Work through some of your current issues running your MSPs
• HR questions and employee management
• Strategic discussions
• Mental health and well-being …and much more!
Simply click here to schedule your free session, and let's talk through some of your business challenges!
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From: Michael Siggins / ChannelPro
Freebie: Cybersecurity Sales Guides from ChannelPro (new ones just added) - Value: $30-$350 depending on downloads selected
Details: ChannelPro is offering you 14 different resources developed specifically to boost your cybersecurity sales efforts. These include a pricing calculator, conversation starter scripts, tips on upselling services, proposal templates and more. MSPs tell us these have been very effective at helping them close more deals. Several MPS have lost weight, and one guy in Sheboygan claims it cured his baldness. These things work! All free, all instant downloads. Select as many as you like. All courtesy of your friends and channel advocates at ChannelPro.
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From: Paul Green / Paul Green's MSP Marketing
Freebie: Free 8-page magazine on MSP Marketing - Value = $10 (content is priceless)
Details: Magazine mailed to MSPs in the US and UK (everyone else gets a PDF). There are no shipping costs or attempts to sell you anything. It's 100% VALUE.
The magazine is full of quick and powerful ideas to improve your marketing, including:
• An insight into how ordinary business owners and managers buy IT support (and how to influence them)
• The world's most powerful MSP marketing strategy
• A case study of how an MSP owner fixed his marketing
Get your copy mailed to you free, here:
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From: Richard Tubb / Tubblog
Freebie: “Content Marketing for MSPs (and Any ‘Boring’ Business)” e-book. Value: $14.95
Details: This book is your ultimate guide to creating content that builds trust, attracts clients, and grows your business. Packed with practical advice, real-life examples, and tools tailored for MSPs, this e-book helps you overcome content creation challenges and turn your expertise into engaging blogs, videos, and podcasts. Discover how even “boring” businesses can captivate audiences and drive real results.
Sign up for MSP Insights to receive weekly strategies, curated resources, and practical advice for managing your MSP—and get this e-book as a free gift to jumpstart your content marketing journey! Sign up here:
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Scott Millar/IT Rockstars
Freebie: Free website listing on MSP Near Me. Value $149
Details: This is a directory of MSPs. It currently ranks in Google on the 3rd result for that search term. Who knows? Your next client might be looking for you at MSP Near Me! Review the site. Notice that we have a featured MSP as well.
Sign up today at
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Amy Babinchak / Third Tier
Freebie: AI Acceptable Use and Ethics policy template - $100 Value
Details: Use this template as a conversation starter. Every business has heard the FUD of AI and this template can lead you to a solution. To get it for free, visit, make the purchase of the template and use the code CED9WRT8 at checkout. Pairs well with our Developing an AI Consultancy for your MSP course.
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James Kernan / Kernan Consulting
Freebie: Mastermind LIVE VIP Pass - $499 Value
Details: Experience downtown Dallas like never before! This 2-day action packed event will inspire you and show you how other successful MSPs are growing their business. March 27-28th, 2025 at the AT&T Executive Briefing Center downtown. Certain restrictions apply ( Limited to 5 per quarter ).
To grab this goodie, fill out the form at
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Laura Steward / Wisdom Learned, LLC
Freebie: 1 free hour of business strategy consulting - $500 Value
Details: One Free hour of strategy consulting to help you get past a plateau, get around a problem you are having, or flesh out a plan for a new offering. Perhaps your problem is not in your business life but your personal one? Laura is happy to help you figure out a plan for that too. Not sure what else? Ask! Plus - get a free PDF copy of Laura's award-winning book to help you learn how to ask better questions in your business and your life. Just email her at Laura @ for the PDF and to book your one hour zoom call.
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Thank You for checking out these offers.
Please Note: Other people you know (and might have expected to be on this list) said "Yes, but I need more time." If we get a good response, we'll start working on another list with new freebies.
As always, I would love your feedback. Is this kind of "Free Valuable Stuff" email worth receiving? Send me a note.
. . . and have a great end-of-year 2024!
All my best . . .
• Karl W. Palachuk, Small Biz Thoughts
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