Friday, July 08, 2022

NSITSP Election Kick-Off Meeting July 13th - Join Us!

 The National Society of IT Service Providers is holding elections for ALL positions: Every committee position and every board of directors position.

Please join us for a live Zoom meeting 

July 13th

9:00 AM

Register Now for the Zoom meeting.

Join us for an educational meeting and Q&A. We’ll cover the election guidelines, candidate requirements, and the timeline for filing, running and voting.

Right now, our Board and Committees are filled with people who have been appointed, with the understanding that this arrangement is temporary. In September, every single position on our Board of Directors and standing committees will be elected by the membership.

This blog post will give you some information, but we’re also going to have a general meeting to go through the entire election process and guidelines. 

Everyone is welcome! 

Election Timeline

Here’s the basic timeline for our election “season.”

July 2022: Announce elections. Educate membership.

August 2022: Filing period. Professional members can submit forms to file for office. This will create a customized campaign profile page.

September 1-15: Campaign for office. Use our forums to answer questions and promote your candidacy.

September 15-23: Voting online!

September 23: Winners announced.

Note – You can start preparing now by writing your candidate statement and collecting a list of your associations, social media links, etc. Basically, we’re looking for the kind of stuff you probably have on your LinkedIn profile. We recommend you compile your information in a Word or text document and then copy/paste into the application.

Lots more details . . . in the meeting!

Register now. And please share with your online network.



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