Class - Highly Successful Project Management for Small Business
- Based on the book Project Management in Small Business
Taught By: Karl Palachuk, author and coach- Five Tuesdays
- May 31st - June 28th
- All classes start a 9:00 AM Pacific
Not project should EVER:
- Be late
- Be over budget
- Lose money
- Drag on forever
Join us and we'll show you how! Really.
This course will cover the most important aspects of project management for small business. It is intended for computer consultants, VARs, and managed service providers. Whether you sell projects on a Time-and-Materials basis or flat fee, it is critical to manage them successfully.
Successful projects are more than simply profitable. Successful projects make you look good. They make the client more productive and potentially more profitable. They help you build a positive relationship.
Tuition includes the book in PDF format along with all associated downloads.
This course is intended for consultants who are new to project management as well as those who have been running projects for years and would like to take a serious step up to the next level of professionalism and profitability.
This is an intensive webinar course over a five-week period. All assignments are voluntary, of course. But if you want feedback on assignments, please complete assignments during this course and email them to the instructor.
Topics to be presented include:
- Different kinds of project management; What’s best for this job?
- Tools to Use for managing your projects
- Documentation at all stages
- Pre-Discovery Process
- The Discovery Process
- Documentation and Communication
- After the Project
- Checklists of all kinds
- Project Planning, Quoting, and Selling
- Why Projects Go Wrong
- The Scope is Everything
- Closed Loop Project Management
- How an Ant Eats an Elephant
- Managing Projects in Your PSA
- Microsoft Project
- Client Training
- The Evaluation Process
- Managing Time / Managing Employees
- Outsourcing Options
- Creating Repeatable, Successful Projects
- Building an Action Plan that works
Specialist Certification Pathways
Meets Certification Requirements for:
- Management
- Technician
- Service Manager
This class will be recorded. Each unit is generally posted within 24 hours of the live class. These recorded units will become the On-Demand class and you’ll have lifetime access to it.
Course Outline
Unit 1 Setting the Stage – What is a Successful Project?
Unit 2 Project Planning, Quoting, Selling
Unit 3 Closed Loop Execution
Unit 4 Staffing and Repeatable Success
Unit 5 Implementing Your PM Process
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