In case you haven't been following . . .
I'm in the middle of a 50-week video series (and podcast) call The Cheeky Sales Coach. The videos are on my Relax Focus Succeed YouTube Channel:
and the index of videos and podcasts is at Cheeky Sales Coach:
This week I posted Episode 23, which includes a walk-through of seven things you need to know about creating a great proposal. But the real juicy goodness is in the premium download that accompanies this video.
Note: If you are a member of my Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community, you can grab a discount code and register for premium content on The Cheeky Sales Coach for FREE.
If you are not a community member, you can still buy a one-time pass to the premium content for only $99. This template download is easily worth that much!
This download is a great example of an “Amazing” proposal, including a detailed example in PowerPoint format. It also includes a video of me presenting the proposal exactly as I would present to a prospect.
Once you understand the key elements of creating a proposal (see the video), you can customize this template to build your ideal client presentation. We also show you how to record your presentation on Zoom so you can send the MP4 to your prospect, if necessary.
The following items are included in this Zip file:
- The Template Proposal in PowerPoint format. Edit and customize everything for your business.
- The Template Proposal in PDF format
- A recorded presentation in MP4 format
Download Now at
Watch Cheeky Sales Coach, Episode 23 on YouTube. (And, HEY: Go ahead and subscribe to that channel.)
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