Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Your Constant Challenge: Work-Life Balance

A note for entrepreneurs.

One of my first books is called Relax Focus Succeed. It’s all about balancing your personal and professional lives and being more successful in both.

This balance is always a challenge. Everything in your life and business changes all the time. So you need to keep working on balance forever.

What does that mean? Ideally, it means that you consciously create your business – and re-create your life – so they are completely in synch. You need time to work, time to play, time with your family, time to work on your personal self, and time to recharge your batteries.

I know all that sounds like an impossible balance, but it is very manageable if you plan it out and work to make it happen. It might take years to achieve a sustainable, healthy balance, but it absolutely is possible.

Stress and exhaustion really do kill people. Build sustainable habits and you will be able to practice them forever.

It may seem impossible to imagine now, but you can create a balance between personal time, family time, and work time that allow you to have the best of all worlds. Most people never achieve this balance for one simple reason: They never try.

Creating work-life balance takes a great deal of time, attention, and work. If you start your business with the intention of creating this balance, and fine-tuning it forever, then you can create a successful balance that improves every part of your life and work.


More juicy info for first time entrepreneurs . . .


The Small Biz Quickstart Workbook

Author: Karl W. Palachuk

Karl has worked with thousands of business owners and managers – and helped several of them make the move to self-employment. With this workbook, Karl will help you make the launch as well. This workbook is guaranteed to help you learn about what it takes to start and run your new business.

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