We are very proud to announce that the Audio Book version of Project Management in Small Business by Dana Goulston and me is ready for download. This book is now available in the following formats from SMB Books:
- Paperback
- E-Book (pdf)
- Kindle
- Audio (mp3)
Project Management in Small Business
How to Deliver Successful, Profitable Projects on Time with Your Small Business Clients
by Dana J Goulston, PMP and Karl W. PalachukBook Specs:
296 Pages + 20 pages of forms
Includes all sample Project Binder forms
Small Business project management is simply not as complicated as project management in the enterprise. But small business projects have the same challenges as enterprise projects: They need to achieve their goals effectively, on time, and within budget. They also face the same primary challenge – staying inside the scope of the project!
This great little book provides a simple process project planning and management process that is easy to learn and easy to teach to your employees, fellow technicians, and sub-contractors. You’ll learn to track any project, explain all the stages to clients and employees, and verify that everything is completed on time and under budget.
Find out more and buy now at SMB Books.
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Also on Audio:
In addition to a whole variety of educational programs, SMB Books also features the following books on Audio:
- Managed Services in a Month, 2nd ed.
- Relax Focus Succeed, revised ed.
- Managed Services Operations Manual, vol. 1: Front Office Mastery
- Managed Services Operations Manual, vol. 2: Employees and Internal Processes
- Managed Services Operations Manual, vol. 3: Running the Service Department
- Managed Services Operations Manual, vol. 4: Front Office Mastery
Check out all of our audio and video programs at SMBBooks.com!
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