I know it seems like a long way off, but NOW is the time to register. Put this on your calendar and plan to be there. The conference will have 16 speakers and 18 hours content - all focused totally on how you can improve your business.
Whether you describe yourself as a Computer Consultant, IT Pro, SMB Consultant, Small Business Specialist, VAR, Reseller, Solution Provider, Managed Service Provider, Cloud Service Provider, Microsoft Partner, or just plain "The Computer Guy," this is the conference for you.
(If I missed any SEO terms, please ping me.)
Please see our site at www.smbonlineconference.com/

What Makes This Conference Unique?
For starters, we've got some great speakers that you just won't find at most I.T. conferences. We have some absolutely top-notch professional speakers on business, entrepreneurship, and marketing. That mean new content and not the same old stuff.
You can choose your level of attendance:
- You can just listen live. That's 18 hours of awesome content for only $99!
Amazing. Of course all live listeners will be able to ask questions and participate fully.
- You can listen live plus get recordings of all sessions for only $399. That's cheaper than airfare to your favorite conference!
But wait . . . Of course there's an early bird special. You can not get live attendance plus the recordings for only $299!
- You don't have to travel! No hotel bills, no over-priced meals, no airfare. You get to "attend" a conference right from your home or office.
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The official press release is below. But PLEASE visit the web site and check out the details. There is also an amazing special offer for folks who want additional training materials right away.
Join us in June!
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Author Karl Palachuk to Host 3-Day Online Conference for Computer Consultants
Sacramento, CA, February 15, 2012 – Best-selling technology author Karl Palachuk announced today that he will be holding a 3-day online conference for computer consultants in June. The conference will focus on building successful business processes and will feature some of the best business and technology speakers in the U.S.
The online conference – Managing for Success 2012 – is the first event of its kind targeting technology providers and computer consultants. The conference registration and information site is at www.smbonlineconference.com.
“We have a great line-up of speakers,” said Palachuk, “Including several international super stars from the worlds of marketing and technical innovation.”
Two of the keynote speakers are Stephanie Chandler and Patrick Schwerdtfeger. Chandler is the author of seven books, including Own Your Niche on the Internet and Beyond (Authority Publishing, 2012). Her Business Info Guide web site – www.BusinessInfoGuide.com – is an extremely popular destination for small business owners. Patrick Schwerdtfeger is an internally recognized authority on social media marketing and the author of several books, including Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed (2011, Wiley).
Other speakers include some of the most influential pioneers and opinion leaders in the world of technical consulting. But this is not a technology conference, says Palachuk. “This is a business focused conference for I.T. Professionals. We want to help computer consultants to be better business people, with a vision for the future and strategies for success.”
“That’s why we named the conference Managing for Success 2012,” he says. “Conference sessions will cover managing a business, marketing a business, creating standard operating procedures, building a strong team, and even buying up your competition.”
The conference is online only and will run 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on June 26-28, 2012. Attendees can choose to listen live or also have access to the recorded sessions. In all, the conference will broadcast eighteen hours of programming in three days.
The online format is new for this kind of conference, says Palachuk. “We’re well into the fourth year of a recession and the large national I.T. conferences just haven’t had the turnout they used to. People have smaller budgets. Consulting companies are stretched thin. So an online conference saves time, travel, and money. It also means we don’t have to charge as much since we’re not paying for hotel meeting rooms and catering.”
Palachuk will start each conference day with a presentation of the “theme of the day” and then provide a discussion of some standard operating procedures related to the theme of the day. Palachuk is a prolific blogger and is well known for his SOP Friday series at smallbizthoughts.com. The SOP Friday series picks one topic each week and explores the standard operating procedures that technology consultants might adopt.
To learn more about Managing for Success 2012, visit www.smbonlineconference.com.
About Karl Palachuk
Karl is an author, speaker, and trainer who focuses on helping computer consultants and I.T. Professionals improve their business practices. He is widely regarded as someone who provides click-by-click instructions on how to be a successful technology consultant.
Karl is the author of nine books (available at SMBBooks.com). His blog - SmallBizThoughts.com - has more than 40,000 visitors a month and is considered a training resource for many I.T. consultants. The blog has experienced an audience growth rate of almost 600% over the last year.
Karl has been named SBSer of the Year by SMB Nation; he has been on the MSPmentor 250 list every year since it was started; and was named to the SMB 150 list by SMB Technology Network (SMBTN) and SMB PC magazine.
About Small Biz Thoughts
Small Biz Thoughts is the training and content division of Great Little Book Publishing Co., Inc. Their programs are geared specifically for the Managed Service Provider and SMB Consultant communities. Their focus on future trends has helped them to build a reputation as a trusted advisor to fans and friends around the world.
Media Contact:
Karl W. Palachuk
[email protected]
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