Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nominations Open For the SMBTN "SMB 150" Contest

SMB 150 Contest!

Once again, SMBTN and SMB Nation are pleased to announce the SMB 150 influencer contest for 2012. Nominations are open now and one lucky nominee will be awarded a BlackBerry PlayBook if nominated by Friday, January 27th 8am PST. An awards dinner will be held to honor the recipients in sunny Los Angeles.

Be sure to nominate yourself and others for this voted upon and peer-reviewed award.

Don't delay, nominate TODAY!

Click here for SMB 150 Nominations
This year the SMB 150 program has some exciting improvements:

From the SMB Nation Web Site:
    • Voting. In early 2012, a ballot will be presented with all of the nominations. Each candidate will have a photo and a biography/sales pitch/statement seeking your vote!
    • Judges. We have recruited a panel of esteemed industry judges we’ll announce soon to oversee the election. The judges input will be weighted along with the voted. This validation step insure that truly the Top 150 are selected!

    • Awards dinner! Awardees and members of the public will be invited to attend an awards ceremony and dinner in Los Angles in late April 2012. It will truly be a magical evening!

    • Sponsorships! Allowing us to the take the SMB 150 to the next level is the platinum sponsor from BlackBerry! Contact me for additional sponsorship opportunities.
Nominations accepted! Click HERE to nominate yourself or a like-minded accomplished SMB IT leader. You know how you are; you know who they are! Just do it!

So click the link and let the SMB 150 voting begin! It’s election season, folks!

About the SMBTN:

The SMB Technology Network™ is an organization of over 600 consultants, solutions providers, and value-added resellers who provide technology products and services small-to-medium sized enterprises. The organization seeks to improve the quality and strength of the SMB market by providing programs to educate their members, opportunities for them to network, and to create alliances with interested SMB vendors.


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