Friday, March 02, 2007

Discount for SMB Summit - $200

I don't normall cross post with my email list (which you can find at

But when there's $200 on the line, what the heck.

From Jim at

Thanks, Jim.

After much discussion, Jim Locke has agreed to give a great last-minute discount to the SMB Summit.

Here's what you do to Save $200:

Go to

When it comes time for checkout, you'll be asked when you have a super secret, executive code. Enter SMBKARL07 And your $200 discount will show up at checkout.

Tell your friends and neighbors.

I've talked to people all over the U.S., and even Australia. This will be a great event for meeting and greeting your fellow SMB Consultants.

SMB Summit is March 15-17 on the outskirts of Disneyland. Includes business, technology, and "solutions" tracks. Check it out. If you join SMBTN you get even more discounts.

Disclaimer: I am not being paid to get you to sign up for SMB Summit. But let's be honest: if you save $200, you could buy me a beer and have lots of money left over to buy a book or two!

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