Tuesday, July 18, 2023

All-New Class: TCP/IP Troubleshooting

I'm doing a mini-series of courses over at the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community. The goal is to give everyone on your team a basic understanding of TCP/IP - the most important protocol in the world!

The next course is 60-90 minutes, depending on questions.

TCP/IP Troubleshooting - A Very Practical Workshop

July 26th

9:00 AM Pacific

Members register at: https://www.smallbizthoughts.org/tcp-ip-troubleshooting/

This quick training builds on a fundamental understanding of TCI/IP and DNS from the previous intro-level courses. Strictly speaking, those classes are not required. But for super-newby beginners, they're pretty helpful.

Register today!

. . . and while you're at it . . .

The next class in the series is pretty stand-alone: 

Building the Basic Small Business Network - A Very Practical Workshop

August 16th

9:00 Pacific

Members register at: https://www.smallbizthoughts.org/building-the-basic-small-business-network/

This will start with nothing but one computer and show how to build and document a new network from scratch. Again, this is intended to give new-comers a basic understanding of the small business network, base on TCP/IP and modern configurations.

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These trainings are for members of the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community. ALL of the resources mentioned here are members-only. Please start by logging into your account at https://www.smallbizthoughts.org

The following related classes are already in the Community:

DNS Training: What You Need to Know - A Primer for IT Service Providers


This recording is one hour, 17 minutes and will give everyone a great introduction to DNS. This training is not required to get value of the other TCP training, but it wouldn't hurt!

Understanding TCP/IP - A Very Practical Introduction


This recording is one hour, 10 minutes and is a great intro to the basics of TCP/IP. Note, also, that true newbies will want to watch the recording at .75x speed - and maybe more than once. 

Using TCP/IP to Take Over the World


This is a recorded webinar. Zip file includes the MP4 and MP3 recordings, and the slides in PDF format. As more and more technology becomes cloud- and network-based, those who understand networking have great advantages over those who only know specialty technologies.

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Some folks have asked how to get access to these great sessions without being a member of the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community. I have to say, there is no way. You need to be a member. Our membership is guaranteed to have a real value in excess of $10,000 just for the training available to members. PLUS all of my books, all of the community resources.

Consider joining today. There is a one-year commitment of $1,299 - but I promise you will get much more value than that if you simply take some classes and apply yourself.


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