Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Joe Panettieri Joins The Blog Roll

The first time I met Susan Bradley (at the second-ever SMB Nation conference), she was wearing a shirt that said "I'm Blogging This."

I didn't believe her.

Boy was I wrong. Susan was born to blog. But last year I met someone who makes a living blogging . . .

We recently made two small adjustments to our Blog Roll. I feel bad that I can't list all the great blogs out there. So I try to list the ones I try to keep up on.

Recently, the MS EMEA blog disappeared. I left it up out of respect until it got old and started to smell like flamunda cheese. Eventually it had to go.

And that left room for me to add someone whose blog I've been following for quite awhile. And when I thought about it, I realized that this blog definitely belongs on the roll.

The MSP Mentor -- http://www.mspmentor.net/ -- is brought to you by Joe Panettieri and the Katz over at Nine Lives Media.

Joe loves to blog.

When you see him at a conference, he's either running a seminar, blogging, or uploading video with his phone.

Blog blog blog blog blog.

And there's something sticky about his blog. It gets a lot of comment and feedback. It's a real two-way conversation.

Best of all, Joe's blog never gets hijacked by the comments because he keeps posting new stuff. So lengthy discussions eventually just flow down and off the page.

All in all, a good mix. Check out MSP Mentor today!

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Note that Joe also runs The VAR Guy blog and Works With U, a Ubuntu blog.

The VAR Guy is for VARs, of course. And Ubuntu is for real men who write their own printer drivers.



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