Monday, March 02, 2015

Get Your Website Mobile-Friendly or Pay the Price

Google normally doesn't talk about the secret recipe for a good ranking on your web page. That's why SEO snake oil salesman can convince business owners to buy their wares.

But last week they telescoped exactly what they're up regarding mobile-friendly site. Starting April 21st, your web site will have a higher Google ranking if it's considered mobile friendly.

You can test your sites here: Just type in your domain name and click the "Analyze" button. Note that you may need to put in the full address of rather than just the domain such as
Test your web site for mobile friendliness
Test Your Site for Mobile Friendliness

If you fail, Google will give you some tips, such as:
- Text too small to read
- Links too close together
- Mobile viewport not set

The analyzer will also point you to details on how to fix your site.

One of the best resources, of course, is the Google Webmaster Blog. Here's their recent post on Finding More Moble-Friendly Search Results.

One of the elements of a good mobile friendly site is App Indexing, and the Webmaster Toolkit also points you to a step-by-step guide for this on the developer site.

The bottom line:

You will take a hit soon if your site is not mobile friendly. You might need to use a different template, install some different options, or simply change a little formatting.

Obviouly, if you're not the web developer, you need to find someone who is . . . and avoid the scammers. Unfortunately, those people now have even more fodder to scare people into buying their services. But at least now there's something useful they can actually do to improve a site's ranking.

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Thanks to this blog post for getting me started on this topic:

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