Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Year Has Been Extended

PLEASE, people: Don't give up yet.

The year is not OVER on August 31st. No, we're going to play it out until the end. It's not even the 3rd quarter yet. Let's finish this thing . . . with a BANG!

For some reason, September seems like the annual equivalent of a meeting right after lunch. Everyone wants to sleep.

Summer's over (at least psychologically).
School's in.
Vacations are winding down.
Stores have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and even Christmas stuff out already.
Yesterday was shorter than the day before.

Everyone is in 60% shutdown mode.

This is always a problem, but seems to be worse this year. The economy is about to celebrate it's third year in the toilet. The 10th anniversary of "September 11th" has people feeling melancholy about all the stuff we've been through.

Times are tough. Things are slow.

But PLEASE don't give up yet. We doesn't have one month left, or even two or three. There are FOUR more months left this year. It's only 2/3 over with. We've got a LONG time til Christmas and the New Year.

Let's see some action out there.

Take that money out of your wallet and take a chance. Spend a little. Buy a little. Hire someone if you can. Do your little part to get things going.

I'm not asking for a miracle here. Just splash some water on your face and wake up. We don't have to nap right now.


Now Available:
Introduction to Zero Downtime Migrations
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1 comment:

  1. I always notice quite the uptick in business after Labor Day but maybe things are a little different in our market.

    This summer we have been killing it. Tons of project work, which I won't complain about but we need to lock up some more reoccurring revenue clients :)

    Do you still run a printed newsletter? I'm thinking of starting that and an inside sales position to get me in front of more prospects.


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