Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Is Your Family Ready for You to be Self-Employed?

A note for absolutely new entrepreneurs.

If you have a family, you need to consider whether they are ready for you to make the launch into self-employment. It’s great that you are excited and have faith in your future. But a new business can be very difficult on a family.

Many new business owners un-balance their lives terribly. They believe they need to take every customer who walks in the door. They tend to work very long hours, leaving almost no time for their family.

This behavior compounds until something blows up. And that something is often the most important relationship in your life.

Take this very seriously. It’s important to talk about the long hours, and the struggles ahead, and all the things you’re not sure about.  When a partner knows what they’re getting into, it is much easier for them to support you when the going gets tough.

It’s also a good idea to set some limits on your work time. You need to have balance in your life if you’re going to make this business work in the long run. You need to spend time relaxing and recharging your batteries.

And remember: The more you talk about all these things with your partner, the smoother everything will go – the first year and every year after.


More juicy info for first time entrepreneurs . . .


The Small Biz Quickstart Workbook

Author: Karl W. Palachuk

Karl has worked with thousands of business owners and managers – and helped several of them make the move to self-employment. With this workbook, Karl will help you make the launch as well. This workbook is guaranteed to help you learn about what it takes to start and run your new business.

Available Now!


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